1. Translate the following words and word-combinations which are used in the film, make situations with them:

a drug reaction
to be due back
a rare strain
to deploy
to step down
to affect the outcome
media pressure
to respond to the allegations
to the best of one’s knowledge
anti-American uprising
to phrase smth. right
a figure of speech
a bunch of wogs
an attempt to infiltrate
to editorialize
possible backlash
the source will not go on record
to move across the tarmac
this speech needs a little umph
Supreme Power
to quell the threat of nuclear terrorism
Morse code
to be unraveled
unit mate
to remain missing behind enemy lines
for the symmetry of the thing
a reflexologist
tin foil
sheer patriotism
Последнее изменение: Вторник 16 Февраль 2010, 12:51