
00:00:54 midstream

00:03 illegal immigrant

00:03 to get ahead in the polls

00:05 to break the story

00:05 to issue a bulletin

00:05 to campaign commercial

00:05 on the air

00:06 to leak the stuff

00:06 to screw smth up

00:08 M.O.

1. mail order

2. medical officer

3. also Mo. Missouri

4. modus operandi

5. money order

00:09 sexual misconduct

00:10 harsh allegations

00:10 CIA, NSA

00:11 to face the music

00:11 media pressure

00:11 veggie

00:12 to run smb through the shredder

00:12 to hold the break in the dam

00:13 Brer Rabbit

00:13 Ops Center

00:14 to keep smb apprised

00:15 «Remember the Maine»

00:15 «Tippecanoe and Tyler too», originally published as «Tip and Ty», 00:16 Mount Surabachi

00:18 suitcase bomb

00:19 to infiltrate into

00:19 Cecil B. De Mille

00:20 teaser

00:21 backlash

00:22 product placement (4Ps)

00:22 armband

00:24 news footage

00:37 sheaf

0:40 FBI

0:40 nuclear capacity

00:41 RCMP

00:41 “when the fit hits the shan”

00:47 to cut a better deal

00:48 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

00:54 CBS

00:57 My fellow Americans

01:06 inaugural speech

01:09 «You don’t put Jaws in the first reel of the movie»

01:12 Keys to the manacles

01:15 Air Force jet lands

01:18 Piece of cake

01:19 a nut case

01:30 lame turkey(duck)
Последнее изменение: Вторник 16 Февраль 2010, 12:49